All praises for The Oberoi Zahra, V. Kumara Swamy opens the exclusive three page article titled 'Date With Antiquity' writing about a cool breeze blowing from the river Nile acting a welcome respite from the relentless heat of the afternoon sun above. While sailing in the lap of luxury, Mr. Swamy highlights all the beautiful locations he visited as part of his journey on The Oberoi Zahra, Luxury Nile Cruiser."If you're not in a mood to step off the boat at all, you can lounge pool-side, order a snack and with a drink in your hand witness breathtaking views of the distant hills, desert, lush green fields on both sides of the river and see the sun go down.".
Detailing the day to day itinerary, Mr Swamy closes the piece by rightly calling the Nile cruiser "Jewel of the Nile". Also deserving a worthy mention in the article are the two presidential suites onboard, each measuring around 50sq mt that come with their own private terrace and a Jacuzzi. The luxury Nile cruiser can cater to a total of 54 guests, who can relax in the Library and Cigar Lounge.
The Telegraph Platinum Platinum is a monthly luxury lifestyle magazine brought out by the ABP Group of publications. It reaches out to 60,000 readers monthly.