Titled "Inside the Most Expensive Suite Overlooking the Taj Mahal", Ms. Laura Itzkowitz opens the article by highlighting the views and luxury afforded by The Oberoi Amarvilas, Agra, saying that "at the superluxe Oberoi Amarvilas in Agra, India, the premier accommodation's amenities are as exceptional as its views." She continues that “every year, millions of people flock to the Taj Mahal, but only one hotel in Agra boasts uninterrupted views of the architectural masterpiece from every room. Located less than half a mile from the country’s most famous monument—built in the 17th century by Shah Jahan as a tomb for his beloved wife—the Oberoi Amarvilas epitomizes modern Indian luxury. Spread out over nine acres of terraced gardens, pools, and pavilions, the property has hosted celebrities and royals, including Prince William and Kate Middleton, who visited the Taj Mahal and posed for a photo on the same bench where Princess Diana sat more than twenty years ago."
Ms. Itzkowitz also emphasises upon the architecture of the resort. Recommending a stay in The Kohinoor Suite, she adds "all 102 rooms and suites look out onto the Taj Mahal, so you can’t go wrong, but for the ultimate pied-à-terre, request the Kohinoor Suite. Named for the 105.6-carat Indian diamond, the spacious suite comprises a living room, dining room, study, master bedroom with walk-in closet, marble bathroom, and a large terrace where you can enjoy romantic meals. Wall-to-wall windows ensure that every room—including the glassed-in shower—has a clear view of the Taj Mahal, while Indian antiques, artwork, and textiles lend a sense of place."
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At the superluxe Oberoi Amarvilas in Agra, India, the premier accommodations amenities are as exceptional as its views The Most Expensive Suite at Oberoi Amarvilas in Agra, India Architectural Digest