Aptly titled "The Oberoi expands in UAE, opens an ultra-luxe beach resort in Al Zorah", the writer opens the piece by saying that "The Oberoi has opened its new resort in Al Zorah. Set within 247 acres of rich ecological wetland in Al Zorah, the resort is in line with the group's focus on luxury."
Emphasising upon the setting and location of the resort, the writer says that"set among white sandy beaches, azure lagoons, and the two million square meters of mangroves, this beach resort will surely please those looking for a quick getaway. And its proximity to Dubai - it's just 25 minutes from the airport - makes it ideal for a weekend break." Also getting their due in the piece are the signature villas with private terraces and swimming pools, Aquario and Sensio Spa.
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The luxury hotel is perfect for both business and leisure travellers The Oberoi expands in UAE, opens an ultraluxe beach resort in Al Zorah The Economic Times