Titled "Delhi's iconic Oberoi hotel is back in time for the New Year", Ms. Shahnaz Siganporia opens the piece by saying "While the icon still stands its familiar ground within the Delhi skyline, it realised that it needed to update, not to remain relevant but to carry on its tradition of being the visionary player in the now bursting-to-its-seams hospitality biz. With its doors pegged to open on January 1, 2018, on a perfectly sunny yet chilly Delhi morning, sneak a peek inside the Rs 600 crore upgrade."
The "Tree of Life" and "state-of-the-art air purifying system" also get their due in the article. However, "it's the food and dining space that's probably going to be the star of this show. Realising that specialised cuisines are a call away with the capital's burgeoning food scene, The Oberoi is all ready to offer its guests unique dining experiences."
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Please find below the coverage:
With its doors pegged to open on January 1, 2018, on a perfectly sunny yet chilly Delhi morning, take a look at the Rs 600 crore upgrade Read about it here Delhis iconic Oberoi hotel is back in time for the New Year Vogue India